Today (24-Jan-09) i went to chinatown alone to take some pictures. I went there around 13:00 and i took some shots and i decided to go back at around 15:00. SO i took a walk towards bugis direction and i saw "Fort Canning Park" just across Funan Mall. Because i planned to go back to chinatown at the night so i think a detour to Fort Canning Park might be a good decision instead of go back to where i stay and come back again to chinatown.
I managed to circled around the park, it's a nice and beautiful park, made some shots. Soon i decided to take a rest inside the park because i felt pretty tired from walking, so i just sitting on a bench and reviewing my picture and typing sms to my friend. When suddenly someone (from a youngsters group) hit me from behind with a pretty solid wooden branch and made me bleed. I tried to chase them but i came to my sense and prioritize my condition over those youngsters. Luckily there is the western couple a bit further, so i screamed for help.
The male westerner immediately lend me a hand while his wife looking for assistance from the park security. The male westerner also helped me to call the police. I didn't managed to get his name but if you happened to read this i want you to know that i'm very grateful for what you've done for me.
I cover my head with my hand tried to stop the bleeding.. the bloods keep flowing down and spilled on top of my camera. I few minutes later the local security came and gave me first aid and soon enough the police and ambulance came to handle the accident and took me to hospital.
The took me to SGH and immediatley got taken care by the medics. So i ended up lucky, no bone fracture but i got around 10 stitches on my forehead.
OK that's the story.. now we want to take a look at the culprits and their motives behind this assault
The culprits happened to be 4 Indian's youngster.. When i say Indian, i'm not generalizing it, i just said that it happened to be.. so don't make a fuss over this. OK, i met them twice on different spots inside the park and they didn't do anything suspicious.. they just seem to be hanging around and of course i didn't pay any attention because i'm busy looking around for a good spots.. just want to tell you that i'm a type of person that just don't care about others as long as they don't bother me.. so whatever they do when i met them for the first 2 times doesn't concern me. So basically what i want to say is that they didn't hold any grudge and so do i..
I managed to circled around the park, it's a nice and beautiful park, made some shots. Soon i decided to take a rest inside the park because i felt pretty tired from walking, so i just sitting on a bench and reviewing my picture and typing sms to my friend. When suddenly someone (from a youngsters group) hit me from behind with a pretty solid wooden branch and made me bleed. I tried to chase them but i came to my sense and prioritize my condition over those youngsters. Luckily there is the western couple a bit further, so i screamed for help.
The male westerner immediately lend me a hand while his wife looking for assistance from the park security. The male westerner also helped me to call the police. I didn't managed to get his name but if you happened to read this i want you to know that i'm very grateful for what you've done for me.
I cover my head with my hand tried to stop the bleeding.. the bloods keep flowing down and spilled on top of my camera. I few minutes later the local security came and gave me first aid and soon enough the police and ambulance came to handle the accident and took me to hospital.
The took me to SGH and immediatley got taken care by the medics. So i ended up lucky, no bone fracture but i got around 10 stitches on my forehead.
OK that's the story.. now we want to take a look at the culprits and their motives behind this assault
The culprits happened to be 4 Indian's youngster.. When i say Indian, i'm not generalizing it, i just said that it happened to be.. so don't make a fuss over this. OK, i met them twice on different spots inside the park and they didn't do anything suspicious.. they just seem to be hanging around and of course i didn't pay any attention because i'm busy looking around for a good spots.. just want to tell you that i'm a type of person that just don't care about others as long as they don't bother me.. so whatever they do when i met them for the first 2 times doesn't concern me. So basically what i want to say is that they didn't hold any grudge and so do i..
This no grudge things made me confused.. why they hit me when neither of us got something to do with each others.. i don't suspect anything until i get back home and start thinking and i realized something.. I think that my digital camera attract them.. if that's the case then everything become understandable.
So somehow the reason is that they were attracted to my camera. They decided that one person would hit me hard on head with something blunt, hoping that i felt unconscious and they could snatch my camera and most likely my wallet while i unconscious.. they would kill me just for my camera
Just be careful you guys when you are taking a shot at a non crowdy places! do pay attention to your surrounding, instead of getting pictures you could get stitches or worst you get your burial ceremony. Just take my incident as pre-caution.. doesn't matter what your camera type is.. for a commoner, DSLR is something extraordinary for them.. as you can see i only use A200 and 1680 kit lens.. doesn't care whether you had D3X or just plain A200 like mine, your lens is a top notch lens or just a kit lens.. DSLR is DSLR and it does attract attention
This incident made me feel insecured. The next time i'm going for an outing will be with someone/group

So somehow the reason is that they were attracted to my camera. They decided that one person would hit me hard on head with something blunt, hoping that i felt unconscious and they could snatch my camera and most likely my wallet while i unconscious.. they would kill me just for my camera
Just be careful you guys when you are taking a shot at a non crowdy places! do pay attention to your surrounding, instead of getting pictures you could get stitches or worst you get your burial ceremony. Just take my incident as pre-caution.. doesn't matter what your camera type is.. for a commoner, DSLR is something extraordinary for them.. as you can see i only use A200 and 1680 kit lens.. doesn't care whether you had D3X or just plain A200 like mine, your lens is a top notch lens or just a kit lens.. DSLR is DSLR and it does attract attention
This incident made me feel insecured. The next time i'm going for an outing will be with someone/group
Wah lan eh. Infuriating isn't it? Thank god the TS(threadstarter) didn't suffer any severe trauma to his head. It does bring to mind several questions though.
- Who're the people who assaulted the TS
- Why did they assault him( is it really over the camera?)
- Some of the replies touch down on what they believe might have been the act of gangs( if so then maybe it might shed some light to why the TS was assaulted)
- The crime rate in Singapore nowadays( how safe is Singapore?)
- How safe are you in broad daylight?
- The nationality of the assaulters ( might seem xenophobic but hey, we Singaporeans are becoming THE MINORITY in due time and judging by the news articles the foreigners are not really presenting the best in them much. Sure there's alot of foreigners who're really nice and stuff and I personally know quite a few. But still, its the few assholes in the press that sours the whole cask of wine. For all you know the deed itself might have been committed by Singaporeans itself. *Great we're wiping each other out now in addition to not fucking enough to produce more babies for our nation*)
- Should I start fearing for my life now and carry peppe- no wait I want The Taser. *cue ominous music*
This should make quite an interesting discussion with friends.
Jeez a double post in a day... Just after posting up some jokes my mood gets killed by a bunch of people who might have been out to kill you so that they can loot your body and sell it for some moolah.
Asswipes I hope the same thing happens to you. See if you like having doctors stitch up your frickin head with big needles so that you can look like Franken-fucking-stein.
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