Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bye bye bye

Is it me?
Or Adobe Gamma disappeared from my control panel?
I need to get my monitor calibrated
and suddenly I notice that Adobe Gamma is missing.
How annoying.
I wasted several hours today
RE-reformatting my pc.
So that Sing-fucking-net can detect the modem,
So that msn can fucking connect.......
Guess what?
Singnet finally detected my modem,
but for some reason I still could not access my internet.
I had to setup a temporary network using windows network.
Msn STILL refused to connect and even hanged on me!!
I finally solved the problems all,
one by one.
Apparently my firewall was blocking several of my processes,
and that affected Singnet.
Apparently Windowblinds was screwing me over;
and msn too.
Cause it somehow caused msn to freeze and hang after logging me in.
I changed the theme finally for once in.....
3 years since I got the program?
So I unblocked all svchosts.exe processes;
and I accessed my internet just fine.
I rebooted windowblinds ONLY after
I log in to msn messenger and it works fine
without hanging or freezing.
After finally fixing all my problems,
Adobe Gamma decided to play hide & seek
with me so that I can't calibrate my monitor.
What a shitty day it truly was.

WIN $5.00!!

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