Friday, April 3, 2009

Evil Bee

Suggestions on how to amuse yourself while unsettling people around you; in a good natured way of course.

  • Walk up to the altar in a church and try to blow out all the votive candles in one breath, like it's a birthday cake.
  • Shout "Goodbye cruel world!" as you step off the kerb when crossing the road.
  • Roll your own tampons
  • Say “sweet enough already” when someone offers sugar, and “white enough already” when they offer milk
  • Tell people those stickers you get on fruit are actually edible
  • When you see people feeding pigeons in the park, pretend one of them is yours. Give it a name and with increasing frustration, keep calling it back.
  • At a wine-tasting event, remember you should never swallow the wine. Always spit it out onto the floor.
  • When driving slowly down hills in residential areas, always remember to shout “NO BRAKES!” out of the car window
  • Ask for sandwich fillings while pointing at other ones
  • Sit next to the only other person on an otherwise empty bus
  • Hide in someone’s car boot for a medium length journey
  • Try to work out where the imaginary face would be on various inanimate objects
  • After taking money out of an atm, wave it around and exclaim loudly “I won!”
  • Make chastity belts with Rubik's Cube locks on them, so that only the most intelligent can reproduce
  • Take calls with a weary note in your voice, saying “Hello telephone, who are you pretending to be this time?”
  • Swim to shore and ask the kids on the beach “Is this France?”
  • Hide bubble wrap under your doormat to surprise guests
  • Hide in the clothing rack at a department store and, the moment someone walks by, wave the arm of a shirt hanging there and yell “Pick me! Pick me!”

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