So i got curious see?
I kinda installed a code into the blog to track the number of hits I might get from the public... and more or less rather also stroke my ego at the same time while I'm at it. :D I'll be removing the code from the blog at the end of the month once I'm done with my research. But still I must say I'm quite surprised by the number of hits I got. I guess some thanks(?) are in order? So yeah.
Thank you. *COUGHirecognisesomeoftheipsinparticularCOUGH*
Didn't expect the hit or two from overseas though. If I'm right one of them should be a certain Magoose and certains friends from my mmo days.
I heard Niffy will be resurrected soon! Look out for Tainted & Marijuana again bwahahaha!
So I got this heads up from Inez earlier on about this cycling for a greener something (sorry for my blatant ignorance; all I heard was cycling and that piqued my interest period fullstop case closed end of bloody discussion) that was organized by NTU.
I am interested and I'm going to join. Sorry babe I'll be joining this even if you cannot make it <3 .
I went to the website to get more information and to register.
The route is quite short, about 28 kilometers; starting from the Sun Plaza Park at Tampines and ending at East Coast Park Area C if I'm right.
Guess what?
After checking all these out, I was going to sign my name and join the bandwagon. But but......
I am saddened.
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