Sunday, February 22, 2009


So I rushed out yesterday evening after dinner, was going to meet a guy who was selling away his bike; a Scott Sportster P5. He lives in yishun and when I reached apparently he's an expat. Wow how cool is that? He's married and his place is done up quite tastefully. I would love to live in a house done up like his man.
Oh and the best part?
His pets.
He keeps 3 beautiful simply beautiful cats. 2 ragdolls and a siamese I believe. They're soooooo fluffy and omgawd I wanna hug them and squish them and play with them all they long.
Playful too!
When Dec closed the kitchen door,(glass doors), you can see one of the kitteh come over begging to be let out and the way she did it was so adorable. She'll squish her face up with a really audible Thunk! against the glass and meow pitifully at you.
It was so endearing.
Dec commented that the problem with living with 3 cats was that you get hair all over yourself.
And these are really hairy cats except for the siamese dude who's in a cage at the moment as he's new to the family and couldn't get along with the other 2 cats at the moment.
Dec was really nice. 
He said I could come photograph them anytime I want.... (bwahahaha)
Oh yeah... Back to the bike. I wanted to buy it see? 
So I contacted Dec with my offer and he said to come over and test it out.
Wow holy shit the Scott was a fucking smooth ride.
Its a hybrid bike with semi- slick tires and it was so responsive....
I know I know...
You can't really get a response from a bicycle...
but hey thats what I felt from the bike...
I might start looking around for Scotts...
or maybe go down to Cheap John's and see if he has any second hand Scott bike for sale.

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