Thursday, February 12, 2009

Planet Hell

I've been having insomnia again. I'd go to bed.... and start tossing and turning. I'll be awake the whole while listening to whatever creaks in the night. Then finally I fall asleep at 6am, only to wake up again at around 830am. This is not good and its getting on my nerves. 
Sooner or later I swear I'm gonna end up like Ralph Robert's from Stephen King's Insomnia. That is a good book. You should read it if you've the time. I like the way how he portrays the 3 fates as 3 bald doctors in the story....  Apparently one of the bald doctor is a nutcase...
That makes Clotho and Lachesis, one who weaves the thread and the other who cuts it and the nutcase, Atropos, who's like the joker in the pack. Nothing ever goes right with this nutcase around. I swear when I was reading the chapter that involves Atropos the most it really creeped the shit out of me. Thats how good the book was. 
Yeah so Valentines is tomorrow huh.... Hope you lovebirds all have a nice day. Go on guys. Take ur gf home, or out for a nice dinner and give her pretty flowers, then take her home and fuck her silly. Don't mind me. I'm just being the bitter bitch.

Have a Happy Valentines.

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