Thursday, January 29, 2009

Knock 'Em Out

I got scared shitless last night. Yeah scared.
A Su does not get scared easily. 
But someone succeeded in scaring her. 
See she's been having insomnia for quite some time so she'll be lying in bed; looking like she's sleeping when actually she's having alot of crazy thoughts and situations playing out in her head at the same time.
One too many shandy she's had that day. Could that have been the cause of her mind's unrest? Or the bedsheets aura clashed with hers causing her many sleepness nights?
Whatever it was we'll never find out.
Beer + Sprite= Shandy
Beer + A Su= Lots of Pee
When she's gotta go; she's gotta go real bad.
She sits up in a daze blinking blindly in the dark feeling around for her glasses while remnants of her daydreams fade away into the approaching reality around her.
She needs a piss real bad. 
Ambling towards the kitchen, the bathroom light clicks on and for a moment she was distracted by the floor mat she's stepped on. 
Its crumpled.
No shit sherlock there it is sitting there in a tousled heap on the cold floor. 
"How odd, doesn't mother always leave the mat straightened out before she goes to bed? Somethings not right her-"
When suddenly from the corner of her eye she sees this jet black mass come cannonballing towards her!
Holy Shit What The Fuck Was That?!
A Mutant roach with 4 stubby legs?
Her mind snapping awake immediately our surprised heroine backpedalled fearfully. Was it going to jump her? Rip out her jugular and eat her kidneys? 

It ran full tilt.. . . . . 
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
guilty that it had been sighted in the house of humans
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
Past her,
and out the front door. 
A reproachful Meow echoed from outside.

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