Thursday, March 19, 2009

So I was processing photos from today's shoot at Limbs Care.
An interior shoot for them.
The shoot took slightly longer than expected but hey I'm quite satisfied by the results more or less.
I'm sure there's always room for more improvement.
So yeah I was processing photos....
and when I work I need music to play in the background so I opened iTunes and started playing music at random.
I kinda got bored and I listened to under the Radio tab in iTunes.
This standup comedian came on and wow I love her material.
Good shit man.
Margaret Cho.
You can read her blog here and find out more about her here.
Another good comedian would be Bobcat Goldthwait.
He's got a voice that makes you associate him with rednecks.
Rough and southernishly slurred.
But good coarse material all the same.
You guys should go check it out when you're free.

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