Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Into the Sunshine

So I went to east coast yesterday.... 
I got to play with DM's bigass 70-400mm lens.... 
Its quite light...
But in the long run when held up your arm starts feeling sore.
Maybe I need to practice lifting more weights...
Below are the results of my practice... 
I took over 3gigs of pictures and out of the whole lot,
I only liked...
or maybe lesser. 

After this guy managed to pull of a really good stunt.....
So elated he was...
and there was this lady watching from afar...
So we went for a coffee break...
I spotted this lady relaxing in the sun...
and this body builder trying to get a tan...
There was this channel 8 crew filming when we went to get our coffee..
The actors are familiar faces but I don't remember their names..
Such an unglam pic in a way...
Later I get stoned if they see this haha..
and of course....

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