Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Strange Day

Anyways I'll be leaving in abit to Tampines area. Will be picking up a hamster. It should be of either Sapphire Winterwhite or a Campbell. Will update soon when I get the hamster.
A rough summary about it is that it has 3 legs.
Yes 3 legs.
I do not know anything about the breeder but the one thing that I can assimilate from him is that he strikes me as someone irresponsible. He'll let the hamsters breed.. the same parents over and over breed again.. and he'll give away the hamsters. I have no idea what he is up to but so far what I've learnt is that the father has bitten the leg off one of the hamsters. Said hamster being the one that I'm adopting later.
So yeah look out for an update later or tomorrow.

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